Our black book of capability

How we make real change in capability happen



How do we drive the right change in capability?

WebsiteVisuals v2.0_Yesterday
Things were more linear and less fluid. Problems could be solved one-by-one.
WebsiteVisuals v2.0_Today
Things are way more complex and non-linear. Success is dependent on interconnected people, organisations and systems.

6 principles that drive change in capability

Clear priorities

A simple framework

Make ways of working clear

Provide support in the flow of work for teams

Learn and adapt fast

Set the change ecosystem

It was great to have another perspective from highly experienced and knowledgeable experts who challenged the team to be more strategic, and focus on what really matters
Pharma Company

Rare Diseases

The Oxford team brings strong strategic perspective given both their depth of understanding of our business as well as the broader dynamics and nuance. It is this balance that we appreciate as they facilitate global and local discussions to drive towards a common understanding and valuable output.
Senior Marketing Leader


My experience with the entire Oxford team has been tremendous. Great partners that "get it" in terms of how to engage in an organization and add meaningful value.
TA Lead

US CSL Behring