Driving Impactful Change in Pharma Marketing: Insights from Re-Imagine Pharma Marketing 2024

4 min read
Jun 4, 2024 8:25:42 AM

Insights from Re-Imagine Pharma Marketing 2024

Re-Imagine Pharma Marketing 2024 was a compelling event focused on driving change and delivering impact to better serve healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patient needs.


This conference brought together industry leaders, marketing professionals, and technology experts to discuss the future of pharma marketing. Attendees ranged from senior executives to hands-on practitioners, all eager to explore the potential of omnichannel and digital engagement, generative AI, and innovative platforms and processes. 

The event emphasized that for a truly impactful transformation in pharma marketing, three key elements must be prioritized: 

  1. People’s Needs: Initiatives must focus on the needs of employees, HCPs, and patients.
  2.  Effective Processes: Simplify and implement processes that prioritize impactful actions.
  3. Digital Data and Platforms: Leverage AI to eliminate heavy lifting, enabling creativity, innovation, and speed. 

Change is challenging and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s crucial to approach change neutrally, recognizing both opportunities and hurdles.

The question is: Is the juice worth the squeeze? The answer is yes, but only if the following five fundamentals are met: 

1. Flex Your Leadership Style and Embrace Ambiguity

The core marketing skills remain unchanged: addressing customer needs, building strategy, analyzing, planning, and measuring success. However, there’s a greater emphasis on mastering 'soft skills,' which are actually more challenging than 'hard skills.' These include: 

  • Storytelling and People Engagement: Internal messages need to be compelling enough for both the marketing team and senior leadership to get involved. This is also true for external engagement. 
  • Assertiveness and Decisiveness: Embrace a test-and-learn approach, be comfortable with ambiguity, and share best practices. 

2. Eliminate Low-Value Tasks Using GenAI

Innovation should happen at the strategic level, not just in execution. Marketers need time to execute well and the mental space to be innovative. AI can help free up time by automating tasks like segmentation, enriching insights, and simplifying processes. Some practical applications of AI include: 

  • Content Creation: Using AI for insights, personalization, and content creation. 
  • Automating Approval Processes: AI can streamline MLR (Medical, Legal, and Regulatory) approvals by submitting pre-approved claims. 
  • Lead Focus Groups: Use AI to generate baseline insights for focus groups.

    3. Build a Culture That Enables a ‘Yes’ Mindset 

Cultivating a ‘Yes’ mindset involves asking what needs to be true for an idea to work and solving problems collaboratively. This culture should: 

  • Encourage a fail-fast approach and comfort with ambiguity. 
  • Focus on incremental gains and bring everyone on a journey of continuous improvement. 
  • Leaders should model the desired behaviors, reward innovation, and maintain simplicity in processes. 

4. Build Transformational Partnerships Based on Trust 

Successful partnerships with internal and external experts are key to long-term success. Trust is fundamental, and effective partnerships should be strategic, with clear roles and mutual respect. Important aspects include: 

  • Trust and Confidence: Trust must be at the core of relationships. 
  • Strategic Alignment: Know where you are going and take your teams on the journey, including MLR. 
  • Collaboration: Ensure every team member adds value and follow through on commitments. 

5. Elevate Your Channel Experience

Addressing customer needs in a unique and valuable way is crucial. HCPs expect precise, tailored, and fast responses. Enhancing the channel experience is closely linked to improving employee experience. Embrace change and learning to innovate boldly. 

Key Insights from Re-Imagine Pharma Marketing 2024 

Leadership and Skill Development 

  • New Capabilities: There was significant discussion about the new capabilities required for successful omnichannel transformation. 
  • Soft Skills: Leadership presence and skills such as decision-making and storytelling were highlighted as critical. Storytelling, in particular, resonated strongly with attendees, indicating a need for enhanced storytelling skills in marketing teams. 

AI and Innovation 

  • AI Applications: AI is transforming various aspects of marketing, from content creation and personalization to strategic decision-making. Companies like Moderna and Klick Health showcased innovative uses of AI in content generation and strategy development. 
  • Training and Education: Training brand managers in social media and AI is becoming a part of overall marketing strategies. 

Agency Relationships 

  • From Vendor to Partner: Moving from a transactional to a transformational partnership is essential. Trust, clear communication, and mutual respect are critical components of successful partnerships. 
  • Efficiency and Value: Ensuring that every team member adds value and follows through on their roles can significantly enhance collaboration and efficiency. 



Re-Imagine Pharma Marketing 2024 underscored the importance of embracing change, leveraging AI, and building strong, trust-based partnerships. By focusing on the needs of people, simplifying processes, and utilizing digital platforms effectively, companies can drive impactful omnichannel transformations. The key is to remain flexible, foster a culture of innovation, and continually seek ways to improve and adapt. 

About the author 

Delphine has 20 years of experience in pharma with a specialism in successfully launching brands in vaccines and specialty care markets.

With a growth-focused mindset she is focused on inspiring and leading both strategic and operational teams to get results.

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